The Pirate Lab: Pirates of the Home Seas

Pirates! Official Website


Main Page - Introduction
PIRATES OF THE HOME SEAS (Campaign Rules) - Persistant fleets, persistant home maps
PIRATES OF THE HOME SEAS (Items) - Game items to be created
PIRATES OF THE BATTLEFIELDS (Campaign Addition) - Movable army units
PIRATES OF THE TREASURE FLEET - Persistant fleets, random maps
HEROES OF THE SPANISH MAIN - Persisant Crew/Avatar
HEROES OF THE SPANISH MAIN (Avatar Abilities) - Persistant abilities
HEROES OF THE SPANISH MAIN (Avatar Missions) - Missions for avancement
CONQUEST OF THE CARIBBEAN: 6 Player (Conquest Campaign) - 6-Player Campaign for domination of the Caribbean
CONQUEST OF THE CARIBBEAN: 3 Player (Conquest Campaign) - 3-Player Campaign for domination of the Caribbean

Piratelab website in development


Version 1.0


First to accumulate 500 gold in their Nation’s Treasury wins.

Getting Gold:

You may capture enemy ships and turn them in for prize money.

You may capture island colonies, which generate 1 random gold coin per your turn and return the gold to your Home Island, a Fort, or to a Compass Rose.

You may capture gold from the one treasure island on the map.

You may capture gold from any of your opponents’ colonies on the map.


Each player will have a Home Seas Map to colonize and defend against invaders. For pure gold and combat games, a Treasure Map will be used.

Building your Fleet:

Everyone gets 50-100 gold to spend on an initial fleet. It is from this pool that players spend 30 game points to use in the field. Consider the game point limit a supply cost for ships already bought, the war budget for that expedition.

Map Setup:

On Home Seas Map, the home nation gets 40 points to spend. The home nation choses a single Faction and places any ships at their home island and may place one ship per location at any islands with a fort built on it. Invading players choose a single Faction and may spend 30 points and place their ships at their Compass Rose in the corner of the map.

If you have docked a ship at a Fort on that map during a previous game, you may place it during setup. Such a docked ship is not playable on other maps. You may transfer it off the map whenever you wish, but you cannot put one in it’s place until that Home Seas map is played again.

The cost of placing a fort in your Home Seas map is reduced by 1. The cost of placing a fort in an enemy’s Home Seas map is increased by 1.

Treasure Maps may have up to a 60 point limit or more for all players.


Players must choose one faction per game and use only ships from that faction. All colonies and forts are friendly to that player regardless of faction

Alternate rule: ships will need to spend an explore action to engage with non-faction assets belonging to that player. E.g. A player has built a pirate colony on an island. Next game they want to use English ships. These ships must use an explore action to gather gold from that island, whereas a pirate ship could both dock and load in one move.


During the game a player may lose ships and crew. They may use the gold in their Treasury to purchase new ships and crew, but must not go over their point limit for that game. Any additions must enter the game via their Home Island or Compass Rose. If no home island is present, a ship must sail back through their Compass Rose to pick up the new crew from their Home Waters.

Creating Colonies:

A player may colonize an empty island by exploring it and then placing a garrison for 1 gold coin. This coin must stay at the colony with the garrison. You may increase the garrison by investing 2 more gold coins.

Colony Gold:

At the beginning of your turn, place a random gold coin onto the island. One of your ships belonging to that colony’s faction may dock at the island and offload the gold for transport back to a home island, a fort, or to your Compass Rose and the amount is added to your Treasury.

Pirate Colonies:

Pirates may create colonies during a game to collect gold, but they may not carry over to another game and turn neutral unless they have a fort present.

Attacking Colonies:

If the island already has a colony on it, a player may invade it by offloading crew to attack the garrison. The attacker rolls a die for his crew and adds it to the crew point total. The defender rolls a die and adds that number to the point value of the garrison, plus the points of any additional crew present on the island.

If the defenders are destroyed, their flag is removed and any gold left on the island can be moved into the ship’s hold. The attacker will have the choice of purchasing their own colony for the island.

Attacking Colonies with Forts:

If the island has a fort present, that fort must first be eliminated. Once destroyed, you may attack the garrison with your crew to capture the gold and the island.

Ending a Game:

The game ends with the last player of a round when the given time limit is up. Players update their Treasury amounts and record who owns what colonies on a Home Seas map, as well as the amount of gold remaining on each.

Any gold remaining in a fort at the end of a game is automatically added to the Treasury.

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DONE! (1) Ocean map – 30”x30” – laminated poster of blue sea.

(5) Compass Rose w/name – each roles to place their roses. The reason is that you might want your rose close to a colony you captured on the last time you played that map.

(18) counters per player for each faction they own – 6 English, 6 American, 6 Pirate (e.g. for Jeff) – 6 counters per island

(18) colony pieces – smaller than Fort base, but with pier jutting out and a mansion in the back. 6 per island, customized to faction.

DONE! (1) Wind compass

DONE! (1) Storm symbol (roll for presence of storm, causes changes, actually getting hit by the storm causes damage)

(10) Army units: Companies, Regiments, Battalions

Gold stored in forts must be transfered to a Home Island or compass rose to count toward your treasury.

At the end of a game, you can assign one ship from your fleet to stay behind at one of your colonies with a fort on it. Record which ship and island it is making berth at.

You can transfer it from the board when out of game, but you can’t put in a replacement.

Outside of the game, you can also relinquish control of a colony. Next game, that island will be neutral, with the cost of the garrison left behind.

Pirates cannot claim territory or colonies for more than a game unless they have a fort there. They should have no home island, being pirates and not a nation. Should be used when you don’t care for colonies, or don’t have colonies, and just want cash.

A colony claimed by pirates will revert to neutral at the end of the game.

A Player's home island should look like a big harbor town with a shipyard.

Everyone gets 50-100 gold to spend on an initial fleet. It is from this pool that players spend 30 game points to use in the field. Consider it supply cost for ships already bought, or the war budget for that expedition.

Events: Revolt/Rebellion - player switches an enemy colony to their side. All gold is lost in the event. Retire this card.

Make up Unique Treasure cards as controllable events.

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-by Hayoo with assistance from Matapiojo, Kodefoo, and SonDrunk (Advanced)