The Pirate Lab: Pirates of the Treasure Fleet

Pirates! Official Website


Main Page - Introduction
PIRATES OF THE HOME SEAS (Campaign Rules) - Persistant fleets, persistant home maps
PIRATES OF THE HOME SEAS (Items) - Game items to be created
PIRATES OF THE BATTLEFIELDS (Campaign Addition) - Movable army units
PIRATES OF THE TREASURE FLEET - Persistant fleets, random maps
HEROES OF THE SPANISH MAIN - Persisant Crew/Avatar
HEROES OF THE SPANISH MAIN (Avatar Abilities) - Persistant abilities
HEROES OF THE SPANISH MAIN (Avatar Missions) - Missions for avancement
CONQUEST OF THE CARIBBEAN: 6 Player (Conquest Campaign) - 6-Player Campaign for domination of the Caribbean
CONQUEST OF THE CARIBBEAN: 3 Player (Conquest Campaign) - 3-Player Campaign for domination of the Caribbean

Piratelab website in development


Game Objective

  • Object of the game is to get to 200 Gold and Rank of Captain first and or 2-3rds of the ports in your possession.
  • Collect gold from your ports or captured ones and bring it back to your Home Port
  • Steal gold from other ships and bring it back to your Home Port
  • Steal gold from other ports and bring it back to your Home Port
  • Sink or capture other ships for gold and promotion points
  • Complete missions to gain more gold and promotion points


  • There are 60 ports spread throughout the Caribbean .
  • Each player chooses 5 ports as their own
  • Each player picks one port, which can never be captured, as their home port.
  • All players start with 70 gold to build a fleet, buy crew, or a shipyard.

Player Turns

  1. Main Map Actions: Move, Create, Disband, Build, Explore area (action moves to Battle Map)
    1. Move Action: If your ships can move S or L, they move one square. If all ships in the fleet can move longer than an L, they can move 2 squares.
    2. Explore Action: Automatically Explore if encounter enemy ships
    3. Roll for Encounter if moving into empty sea: If Roll a 6, all enemies may buy up to 3 D6 to hire Pirates to attack. Can spend gold up to limit. If ships escape, pirates removed from map.
    4. Pirates can only steal gold. They do not give it to your faction unless you have a faction ship present to take it back.
    5. If Pirates are present on the map, you may explore islands for hidden treasure. Roll a D6. 6 reveals gold. Roll a D6, with the result being the amount found.
    6. Roll for Port Event: If Roll a 6, roll a D6 die to determine event - Earthquake, Trade Fleet docks, Fire, Disease, Rebellion, etc.
  2. Roll for Wind
  3. Roll for Mission: If Roll a 6, choose a mission to occur in that map
  4. Battle Map Ship Actions: Move, Shoot, Repair, Explore, Crew attacks Port
  5. When Ship Actions are completed, Exit the map area to the Main Map.
  6. Buy troops, take one round to appear. Can only add one at a time.
  7. Record Gold at each Port, location of Ships and Crew, Avatar location, current ability, and current mission.

Main Map

MOVE ACTION: A fleet moves across the map one square at a time; horizontally, vertically, or diagonally.

If all ships in that fleet can move faster than “L” (such as S+S or S+L) then they may move two squares.

If you move into a new square, you must roll a die to see if there is an Encounter.

EXPLORE ACTION: This action is moving from the Main Map square to the Battle Map, showing a larger representation of that square.

To dock at a port, you must be in the same port’s square and announce you are docking at it.

If it is an enemy port or has enemy forces in the area, action moves to the Battle Map.

If it is a neutral port with no enemies about, you may conclude trade, dock, or an attack action from the Main Map.

CREATE FLEET: You may declare creation of a fleet by placing an Avatar with a ship and designating the one of five Fleet Cards for it.

DISBAND FLEET: You may disband a fleet at a shipyard by removing the Avatar and it’s card from the board, and selling the ships back for half their cost.

BUILD SHIP: You may build a ship at a shipyard. You can either Assign it to a Fleet if it doesn’t put the Fleet over the 70 point limit(and if you have an Avatar present) or leave it for port defense.

SELL SHIP: You may sell back an assigned or detached ship at a shipyard for half its cost in points.

ASSIGN SHIP: You may Assign a ship to a Fleet if it is in Port.

DETACH SHIP: You may detach an individual ship from a Fleet at any port. This ship must remain in port until it is assigned to another Fleet. A detached ship may help defend a Port's Battle Map from intruders. Record that this ship is in what Port. A detached ship may not dock at another port.

Main Map

Battle Map

  • Standard rules apply to battle map as regular games
    • MOVE
    • ATTACK
    • REPAIR
  • Instead of Home Islands , however, fleets must carry their gold with them to a friendly port or shipyard. Ports can store gold, Shipyards will automatically transfer the amount to your Treasury and can be used at any Shipyard.
  • Unique treasures on ships are removed from the game when the Battle Map action is concluded. (Tentative ruling)
  • Any remaining gold found on local islands, after exploring due to Pirate presence, is removed from the game.
  • To keep battle map activity short, only 20 rounds are allowed before action is suspended and fleets are returned to the Main Map.

Battle Map

Home Port

  • Home Ports cannot be captured.
  • Home Ports have their own Shipyard.
  • Home Ports generate 1 gold coin every turn.

Friendly Port

  • Each port generates 1 gold per round.
  • A port captured can only be used by the player who captured it, regardless of their faction.
  • A port provides gold each game, which must be carried back to your home port or a Shipyard port for it to count in your treasury.
  • You can change an Avatar ability or change out/hire more crew when in port

Neutral Port

  • To capture a Neutral or Enemy Port , a ship must land troops and destroy any defenders, forts or shipyards before capturing the port.
  • You may take one gold from a neutral port.
  • Press Gangs. You can also change out or recruit crew from a neutral port.

Enemy Port

  • You can steal gold from an enemy port if you have the ship ability or have an explorer/spy or Pirate gang on board. You can pick one gold coin to take away.


  • You can build as many forts as you like so long as you have the gold. You may build them on any neutral island or at a friendly port.
  • Forts can only be built by a ship whose faction it belongs to (e.g. American ship builds American forts)
  • A pirate ship cannot claim a colony, but they may build a pirate fort.


  • Ships can only be built at Shipyard Ports.
  • Shipyard Ports can be bought for 6 gold. You may build only 4 total.
  • Each Shipyard is allowed to buy 1 Trade Route to a nearby port to automatically transfer its gold each turn to the shipyard port. (Pending final links by Matapiojo)



  • Ships cannot sail without a fleet. Only 4-5 Fleets allowed.
  • Each fleet is represented by one counter on the map and can only be made up of one national faction, plus pirate or Jade.

  • Each fleet also has a Fleet card, numbered 1 through 5 and is placed beside the Fleet Map. Carried gold is placed on this card, is the Avatar counter and an ability counter.

  • Fleet size limit is 70 points
  • Place one of your avatars with your fleet
  • A Fleet cannot leave a map area without its Avatar commander.
  • To add new ships to a Fleet, the counter must dock to a shipyard and pick one up there.
  • You can swap ships and avatars with another fleet in the same Sea square after you declare them docked.


Port Events

  • Events for ports if you own nine or more ports:
  • 1 - Earthquake -1 gold
  • 2 - Fierce storm -1 gold
  • 3 - Visiting trader +1gold
  • 4 - Disease -1 gold
  • 5 - Fire -1gold
  • 6 - Visiting dignitary +1gold


  • An Encounter occurs when two opposing fleets are in the same Main Map square. Action moves to the Battle Map if either opponent says they wish to resolve it there, to attack, board, sink, or capture one another.
  • The player already presents sets up his fleet in the middle of the map or at a port if they are docked there.
  • The opponent sets up his fleet on the edge of the map in the direction from which he’s coming.
  • A player may choose to escape the encounter by sailing off the edge or sail within a distance of a compass rose as set by the players if the map has no definable edge.
  • Action can also cease if a player decides to withdraw from the Battle Map. An opponent may then attack them in the same square if they so choose.
  • Even if you have no 40 point Fleets or shipyard in the Battle Map, other players may participate.
  • When entering a new square, a Player rolls a die. If they roll a 6, then each opponent may hire a pirate fleet to harass him. You then buy up to three dice to build a pirate fleet. 5 gold for each. The total on the dice is the max points you can spend on a pirate fleet, which you must also buy in gold. So if you get 11 points off of three dice, you must spend 11 gold max in addition to the 15 you spent on the die.  


  •  At the beginning of each round, roll wind for Main Map. Add one square if going ahead of the wind. No penalty if going against the wind.
  • For Battle Map rounds, use usual wind rules of plus-S or minus-S.


  •  Each Avatar can only have one mission at a time. Change “home island” on mission cards to “nearest neutral or friendly port.

 Avatar Missions

  •  Each Avatar can only have one mission at a time. Change “home island” on cards to “nearest neutral or friendly port.”

Troop Crew

  • There are three new kinds of crew: Each takes up one cargo space on a ship.
  • Soldiers – costing 1 gold, adds a +1 to attack roll against a port
  • Grenadiers – costing 3 gold, adds a +3 to attack roll against a port
  • Pirate Gangs – costing 2 gold, adds a +2 to attack roll against a port, may steal treasure instead of capturing port.
  • Soldiers can be raised from the home port and transported to their destination.
  • Soldiers can also be raised using the money generated by a port (of 1 gold per turn)
  • Pirate gangs can defeat garrison but cannot claim ports.




Game Objective

  • Object of the game is to get to 200 Gold and Rank of Captain first and or 2-3rds of the ports in your possession.
  • Collect gold from your ports or captured ones and bring it back to your Home Port
  • Steal gold from other ships and bring it back to your Home Port
  • Steal gold from other ports and bring it back to your Home Port
  • Sink or capture other ships for gold and promotion points
  • Complete missions to gain more gold and promotion points


  • There are 36 ports spread throughout the Caribbean.
  • Each player chooses 3 ports as their own
  • Each player then picks one of the 3 ports, which can never be captured, as their Home Port.
  • Each player chooses a Trade Good to specialize in: Rum, Sugar, or Tobbaco
  • All players start with 70 gold to build a fleet, buy crew, or a shipyard.

Player Turns

  1. Main Map Actions: Move, Create, Disband, Build, Explore area (action moves to Battle Map)
    1. Move Action: If your ships can move S or L, they move one square. If all ships in the fleet can move longer than an L, they can move 2 squares.
    2. Explore Action: Automatically Explore if encounter enemy ships
    3. Roll for Encounter if moving into empty sea: If Roll a 6, all enemies may buy up to 3 D6 to hire Pirates to attack. Can spend gold up to limit. If ships escape, pirates removed from map.
    4. Pirates can only steal gold. They do not give it to your faction unless you have a faction ship present to take it back.
    5. If Pirates are present on the map, you may explore islands for hidden treasure. Roll a D6. 6 reveals gold. Roll a D6, with the result being the amount found.
    6. Roll for Port Event: If Roll a 6, roll a D6 die to determine event - Earthquake, Trade Fleet docks, Fire, Disease, Rebellion, etc.
  2. Roll for Wind
  3. Roll for Mission: If Roll a 6, choose a mission to occur in that map
  4. Battle Map Ship Actions: Move, Shoot, Repair, Explore, Crew attacks Port
  5. When Ship Actions are completed, Exit the map area to the Main Map.
  6. Buy troops, take one round to appear. Can only add one at a time.
  7. Record location of Ships and Crew, Avatar location, current ability, and current mission.

Main Map

MOVE ACTION: A fleet moves across the map one square at a time; horizontally, vertically, or diagonally.

If all ships in that fleet can move faster than “L” (such as S+S or S+L) then they may move two squares.

If you move into a new square, you must roll a die to see if there is an Encounter.

EXPLORE ACTION: This action is moving from the Main Map square to the Battle Map, showing a larger representation of that square.

To dock at a port, you must be in the same port’s square and announce you are docking at it.

If it is an enemy port or has enemy forces in the area, action moves to the Battle Map.

If it is a neutral port with no enemies about, you may conclude trade, dock, or an attack action from the Main Map.

CREATE FLEET: You may declare creation of a fleet by placing an Avatar with a ship and designating the one of five Fleet Cards for it.

DISBAND FLEET: You may disband a fleet at a shipyard by removing the Avatar and it’s card from the board, and selling the ships back for half their cost.

BUILD SHIP: You may build a ship at a shipyard. You can either Assign it to a Fleet if it doesn’t put the Fleet over the 70 point limit(and if you have an Avatar present) or leave it for port defense.

SELL SHIP: You may sell back an assigned or detached ship at a shipyard for half its cost in points.

ASSIGN SHIP: You may Assign a ship to a Fleet if it is in Port.

DETACH SHIP: You may detach an individual ship from a Fleet at any port. This ship must remain in port until it is assigned to another Fleet. A detached ship may help defend a Port's Battle Map from intruders. Record that this ship is in what Port. A detached ship may not dock at another port.

Main Map

Battle Map

  • Standard rules apply to battle map as regular games
    • MOVE
    • ATTACK
    • REPAIR
  • Instead of Home Islands , however, fleets must carry their gold with them to a friendly port or shipyard. Ports can store gold, Shipyards will automatically transfer the amount to your Treasury and can be used at any Shipyard.
  • Unique treasures on ships are removed from the game when the Battle Map action is concluded. (Tentative ruling)
  • Any remaining gold found on local islands, after exploring due to Pirate presence, is removed from the game.
  • To keep battle map activity short, only 20 rounds are allowed before action is suspended and fleets are returned to the Main Map.

Battle Map

Home Port

  • Home Ports cannot be captured.
  • Home Ports have their own Shipyard.
  • Home Ports generate 1 gold coin every turn.

Friendly Port

  • Each port generates 1D6 of gold whenever a friendly ship docks there.
  • A port captured can only be used by the player who captured it, regardless of their faction.
  • A port provides gold each game, which must be carried back to your home port or a Shipyard port for it to count in your treasury.
  • You can change an Avatar ability or change out/hire more crew when in port.
  • Ports can harbor up to 30 gold worth of ships and crew for protection, but they may not leave the area unless they become part of a Fleet.

Neutral Port

  • To capture a Neutral or Enemy Port , a ship must land troops and destroy any defenders, forts or shipyards before capturing the port.
  • A pirate ship may raid a neutral port and take one gold.
  • Press Gangs. You can also change out or recruit crew from a neutral port by docking a ship there.

Enemy Port

  • You can steal gold from an enemy port if you have the ship ability or have an explorer/spy or Pirate gang on board. You can pick one gold coin to take away.


  • You can build as many forts as you have in your collection so long as you have the gold to buy it. You may build them on any neutral or friendly island, coastland, or port.
  • Forts can only be built by a ship whose faction it belongs to (e.g. American ship builds American forts)
  • A pirate ship cannot capture a port, but they may build a pirate fort.


  • Ships can only be built at Shipyard Ports.
  • Shipyard Ports can be bought for 6 gold. You may build only 2 total.
  • Gold deposited at shipyards automatically is added to your nation's treasury.



  • Ships cannot sail without a fleet. Only 3 Fleets are allowed per player per campaign.
  • Each fleet is represented by one counter on the map and can only be made up of one nation's ships, plus pirate or Jade ships.

  • Each fleet also has a Fleet card, numbered 1 through 3 and is placed beside the Fleet Map. Carried gold is placed on this card, as is the Avatar counter and an ability counter.

  • Fleet size limit is 70 points
  • Place one of your avatars with your fleet
  • A Fleet cannot leave a map area without its Avatar commander.
  • To add new ships to a Fleet, the counter must dock to a shipyard and pick one up there.
  • You can swap ships and avatars with another fleet in the same Sea square after you declare them docked.


Port Events

  • Roll a 1D6 if you own more than nine ports
  • 1 - Earthquake - No gold
  • 2 - Fierce storm -1 gold
  • 3 - Visiting trader +1gold
  • 4 - Disease -1 gold
  • 5 - Fire -No gold
  • 6 - Visiting dignitary +1gold


  • An Encounter occurs when two opposing fleets are in the same Main Map square. Action moves to the Battle Map if either opponent says they wish to resolve it there, to attack, board, sink, or capture one another.
  • The player already presents sets up his fleet in the middle of the map or at a port if they are docked there.
  • The opponent sets up his fleet on the edge of the map in the direction from which he’s coming.
  • A player may choose to escape the encounter by sailing off the edge or sail within a distance of a compass rose as set by the players if the map has no definable edge.
  • Action can also cease if a player decides to withdraw from the Battle Map. An opponent may then attack them in the same square if they so choose.
  • Even if you have no 40 point Fleets or shipyard in the Battle Map, other players may participate.
  • When entering a new square, a Player rolls a die. If they roll a 6, then each opponent may hire a pirate fleet to harass him. You then buy up to three dice to build a pirate fleet. 5 gold for each. The total on the dice is the max points you can spend on a pirate fleet, which you must also buy in gold. So if you get 11 points off of three dice, you must spend 11 gold max in addition to the 15 you spent on the die.  


  •  At the beginning of each round, roll wind for Main Map. Add one square if going ahead of the wind. No penalty if going against the wind.
  • For Battle Map rounds, use usual wind rules of plus-S or minus-S.


  •  Each Avatar can only have one mission at a time. Change “home island” on mission cards to “nearest neutral or friendly port.

 Avatar Missions

  •  Each Avatar can only have one mission at a time. Change “home island” on cards to “nearest neutral or friendly port.”

Troop Crew

  • There are three new kinds of crew: Each takes up one cargo space on a ship.
  • Soldiers – costing 1 gold, adds a +1 to attack roll against a port
  • Grenadiers – costing 3 gold, adds a +3 to attack roll against a port
  • Pirate Gangs – costing 2 gold, adds a +2 to attack roll against a port, may steal treasure instead of capturing port.
  • Soldiers can be raised from the home port and transported to their destination.
  • Soldiers can also be raised using the money generated by a port (of 1 gold per turn)
  • Pirate gangs can defeat garrison but cannot claim ports.


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-by Hayoo with assistance from Matapiojo, Kodefoo, and SonDrunk (Knowledge)