The Pirate Lab: Main Page

Pirates! Official Website


PIRATES OF THE HOME SEAS (Campaign Rules) - Persistant fleets, persistant home maps
PIRATES OF THE HOME SEAS (Items) - Game items to be created
PIRATES OF THE BATTLEFIELDS (Campaign Addition) - Movable army units
PIRATES OF THE TREASURE FLEET - Persistant fleets, random maps
HEROES OF THE SPANISH MAIN - Persisant Crew/Avatar
HEROES OF THE SPANISH MAIN (Avatar Abilities) - Persistant abilities
HEROES OF THE SPANISH MAIN (Avatar Missions) - Missions for avancement
CONQUEST OF THE CARIBBEAN: 6 Player (Conquest Campaign) - 6-Player Campaign for domination of the Caribbean
CONQUEST OF THE CARIBBEAN: 3 Player (Conquest Campaign) - 3-Player Campaign for domination of the Caribbean

Piratelab website in development

Welcome to the Pirate Lab (working title).

This site features additional rules, campaigns, and playing piece ideas for PIRATES, a Constructible Strategy Game created by WizKids.

Each game add-on has its own section, with illustrations to better convey the concepts.

Pirates of the Home Seas contains rules for maintaining persistant fleets and persistant maps, with each player having a single territory that they must defend. Each territory is invaded in turn by the playing group and gold gathered or earned is added to the players' treasury until a defined limit for the campaign is won.

Pirates of the Battlefields adds named armies to the strategy game. These armies move about on landmasses in the same way as ship do on water. They range in size from company, to regiment, to battallion. Like the core game, each army has a "mast" called a Rank that must be removed (up to three) when hit by enemy fire. Each army also has a deckplate showing its historical name, how many ranks it has, how many officers they may field, how many cannons and muskets it has, how fast it moves, and what special abilties it posseses.

Larger islands and landmasses will be included with gold caches located deep in their interiors. Armies will need to be transported to these locations and make their way overland to retrieve the treasure and bring them back to the ships.

Pirates of the Treasure Fleet contains rules for maintaining persitant fleets. Maps are random, but players accumulate gold over time to a set amount to win the game. Ships lost during combat are removed from the campaign unless players buy them back with the gold they have won.

Heroes of the Spanish Main adds a unique Avatar for each player. This becomes his or her persona in the game. With each success and gold accumulated, the Avatar rises in rank from a lowly Midshipman up to Admiral of the Fleet. Every other rank, the Avatar gains new unique abilities, of which only one may be used during each game.

For further advancement, Players may take on missions with the role of a die during gameplay. Successfully completing a mission gains that player's Avatar Promotion Points toward their next rank. This is designed to shake up gameplay with dynamic goals. Treasure-minded players will go after the islands or sink ships for prize money, while Promotion-minded players will seek out singular victories and successful missions.

Conquest of the Caribbean takes many of the above elements, Persistant fleets, Avatars, Avatar Missions, and Battlefields, to make one massive campaign where players vie for control of the Caribbean with multiple fleets and dozens of ports and islands.



-by Hayoo with assistance from Matapiojo, Kodefoo, and SonDrunk (Advanced)